Rabu, 09 November 2011

Argumentation ESSAY

Naturalizing Football Player is colonization

Indonesian National Team usually possesses eleven starters and eleven reserve players.  They are the elected Indonesian football players coming from various regions of Indonesia. But in 2010 for the first time, Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) called the youths living abroad, have been being Indonesian decline also having an extraordinary talent in playing football to provide the Indonesian National team. The government gives special treatment by naturalizing and encouraging double passport for them. In present, Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) carries out the same action in Junior National team. Whereas, calling the decline players do not solve the exactly problem in national team even it may cause new problems such as filling in a chance for the truth Indonesian, it will not solve the exactly problem in national team and lowering the prestige of the Nation.


I was born in Sleman, Yogyakarta, September 21st 1990. I live in a village which still had a lot of local policies. I grow in the plain family with two older brothers. My father is a civil servant but he had died when I was in grade 6th of elementary school. Because of that, I only have single parent that is my lovely mother. My mother is an entrepreneur, actually she sells all kinds of clothes in Kranggan Market. My brothers had worked. My first brother had got married and had two children.
My boyhood was spent for studying, playing and several activities which was suggested by my parents such as TPA, joining in dancing course etc. Playing kite and hide and seek became my favorite activities. Although I am a female but I like to play those. Formerly, My family always said that I was the hyperactive and naughty kid because I always made unpredictable problems like ordering to buy anything without considering time and place, crying every morning when the breakfast or the clothes (uniform) are inappropriate with my longing and many more. In the other head, my academic score was almost perfect. I often got 1st rank in my class.
In the teenagers phase, a lot of things changed after my father died. My mother hadn’t been ready leading my family, so there were many problems in early time after of my father’s death. At that time, I hadn’t been able to think about life, motivation, efforts etc. I just knew about where I should hang out, when I will get the money and how I can get a good score. I hardly thought about my mother’s burdens for taking care her children and standing alone financially. In truth, it became the most difficult phase in my life because I was like a chick lost the mother.

Senin, 07 November 2011


                Sepeda motor merah yang sedikit menderita karena kekejaman sang empunya yang membiarkannya tak beristirahat sepanjang bulan berhenti tepat di depan rumah mewah bagi orang-orang yang hidup 30 tahun yang lalu. Matahari belum turun pertanda hari masih senja, aku sedikit lega karena akhirnya dapat melihat rumah tanpa menggunakan lampu. Hari ini untuk kali pertamanya dalam seminggu aku pulang sore. Seperti yang sudah-sudah dilakukan sepulang menuntut ilmu dan berkegiatan, aku melempar tas di atas kumpulan kapuk yang terajut indah. Merabahkan tubuh yang teramat lelah karena seharian mondar mandir mengelilingi jalanan hijrah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain untuk menunaikan tugas. Senang sekali rasanya bisa beristirahat menyaksikan udara sore hari di rumah.
                Tak lama aku teringat, hari ini aku membawa buku yang telah lama kuinginkan. “Melukis Pelangi” begitu judulnya, karya seorang seleb muda bernama Oki Setiana Dewi. Tak tahu apa yang istimewa dengan buku ini tapi dari dulu ingin sekali membacanya, mungkin karena aku mengerti bahwa buku ini adalah catatan hati seorang perempuan yang berjuang menembus kerasnya kehidupan. Beberapa halaman kubaca,belum kutemukan sesuatu yang istimewa lalu aku menemukan satu halaman yang memuat satu gambar yang teramat ku benci, yaa Foto Keluarga. Foto yang menggambaran betapa harmonis dan membahagiakann ketika bisa berapa di tengah ayah ibu dengan senyum yang mengembang. Jangankan dengan baju mewah, kursi baguas, difoto dengan kamera mahal atau di studio professional, dengan alat dan kondisi seadanyapun aku tak dapat melakukannya. Bukan maksud membenci gambar demikian pertanda aku dengki dengan kebahagiaan yang mereka miliki. Namun, aku benci karena aku tak kuasa menahan tangis ketika aku melihat orang-orang berfoto KELUARGA dengan penuh senyum. 21 tahun udara di dunia kuhirup, dan selama itu pula belum pernah aku abadikan kebersamaanku dengan Ayah Ibu dan kedua Kakakku. Mungkin itu bukan sesuatu yang penting, namun menjadi penting ketika kini aku sama sekali tak dapat melakukannya.